SogoTrade Mobile Trading Platform

Don’t just settle for $0 commissions.
Earn $1 for every 1,000 shares traded.*

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How It Works

*Not all limit orders will qualify for get paid to trade. Limit orders have risks, such as non-execution. Not all order types receive $0 commissions. For more information, Click Here. .

Trade Crypto

Trade  17 Crypto Currencies  Coin list

Buy and sell cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin through SogoTrade using Bakkt. Click to learn more about the potential risks of trading crypto.

Learn More

Cryptocurrency is not suitable for all investors. Cryptocurrency may exhibit higher volatility, inconsistent valuations, lack of regulatory certainty, potential market manipulation, and other risks. Cryptocurrency is speculative and may invovle risk, including loss of principal.

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Our customer service agents and advisors are ready to help. Chat, email or call right now.

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GoBankingRates ranked us in the Best Online Brokerages with Strong Trading Capabilities.

Build Your Portfolio

The user of a properly structured viersified investment portfolio is designed to reduce the risks associated with trying to pick stock winners and losers. All investments involve risk, including potential loss of principal. There is no assurance that employing long-term strategies will avoid losses.

  • Determine your investment goals
  • Create a financial plan
  • Build your portfolio
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Start Getting
Paid To Trade

Limit orders have risks, such as non-execution. An order must be a non-marketable limit order to qualify for Get Paid to Trade payments. To qualify for $0 commissions, an order must be a non-penny stock limit order of: (1) 100 shares or greater; or (2) principal amount of $2,000 or more. For more information
Click here.

Our Mission

At SogoTrade, we aim to decrease your risk and maximizing your return. Read more...
Review our background on FINRA's BrokerCheck.

Contact Information

Nationwide Call Center

  •  US: 1-888-709-7646

  •  Outside US: 1-646-885-6594

  • Service Hours:

  • Monday - Friday 7am - 8pm ET