Why Trade Equities?

An investment in stocks or equities allows you to own a piece of a company. You can select an equity from a wide variety of industries to diversify your portfolio of investments.

Growth Opportunities

Investing in equities gives you the opportunity to grow your money and potentially outpace inflation. Equity trading is subject to risk, up to potential loss of principal.

Income Potential

Many equities offer regular dividends that can provide income you can keep or reinvest.

Control & Flexibility

You can decide which company to own and invest your money in with the ability to buy and sell on any day the market is open.

SogoTrade Mobile Trading Platform

* Limit orders have risks, such as non-execution. An order must be a non-marketable limit order to qualify for Get Paid to Trade payments. To qualify for $0 commissions, an order must be a non-penny stock limit order of: (1) 100 shares or greater; or (2) principal amount of $2,000 or more. For more information Click Here. .

Limitations apply. More details below.

A qualifying limit order is a limit order placed at least one penny below the ask for a buy or at least one penny above the bid for a sale executed during regular market hours and the order size is 100 shares or more. GP2T credit will not be paid during extended hours trading sessions.

Imagine you want to buy 1000 shares of XYZ stock that is trading $10 bid and $10.02 ask. To enter a qualifying limit order and Get Paid To Trade, you would simply enter an order to buy 1000 shares of XYZ at 10.01 or lower. Upon execution, you will receive 1000 shares XYZ at $0 commission and a $1 Get paid to Trade credit.

Imagine you want to sell 1000 shares of XYZ stock that is trading $10 bid and $10.02 ask. To enter a qualifying limit order and Get Paid To Trade, you would simply enter an order to sell 1000 shares of XYZ at 10.01 or higher. Upon execution, you would receive the proceeds from the sale plus the $1 Get Paid To Trade credit. That’s it.

Click here to learn more about the potential risks and qualifications

SogoTrade provides two methods for entering qualifying limit orders in its trading platform.

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Contact Information

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  •  US: 1-888-709-7646

  •  Outside US: 1-646-885-6594

  • Service Hours:

  • Monday - Friday 7am - 8pm ET