Power Portfolios

Portfolios matched to your financial goals.

Your time is valuable. you can create a portfolio to work towards retirement, college savings or other financial circumstance that may come your way. Answer a few questions about your risk tolerance, goals, and time horizon and we will help you build a portfolio and formulate a plan.

Technology That Is Always Watching Your Money

Our robo-advisor technology builds, monitors, and automatically rebalances your portfolio based on your financial goals.

Protect Yourself from Shifting Markets

Don’t let your retirement take a hit. You can better protect your portfolio by simply having the right mix of assets instead of picking winners and losers.

How it Works

1. Answer Some Questions
Choose your answers from an easy-to-use interactive questionnaire that identifies your investment goals, risk tolerance, and timeline.

2. We Build Your Portfolio
Our asset allocation algorithms create a portfolio of ETFs that align with your investment strategies and comfort level.

3. Your Portfolio is Monitored and Balanced
Our portfolio rebalancing technology monitors and rebalances your portfolios to help keep you on track to achieve your investment goals.

Our Mission

At SogoTrade, we aim to decrease your risk and maximizing your return. Read more...
Review our background on FINRA's BrokerCheck.

Contact Information

Nationwide Call Center

  •  US: 1-888-709-7646

  •  Outside US: 1-646-885-6594

  • Service Hours:

  • Monday - Friday 7am - 8pm ET